Monday 1 February 2016

LO2 - Annotated Wireframes

Home Page

1 - Small Machines logo
The logo will be in the very centre of the header and will be able to be seen on every page for emphasis.

2 - Navigation bar and cart
The navigation bar will also be in the header on every page. The pages documented in the navigation bar go as follows:
• Home
• About Small Machines
• Products
(- Machines
- Royal Armouries Range)
• Contact Us
• Blog
And the cart on the right.
They will be in the font Museo to match the house style of the rest of the site, most of which will be in the same font. It will be white to stand out from the background it will be over, which will be brown.

3 - Page and main site title
This will also be in the Museo font. It will be brown to match the house style, and to stand out from the pale background. I will try to add some sort of effect like a drop shadow to give it emphasis and draw the user's eye.

4 - Slideshow
This will be a slideshow full of bright and eye-catching pictures of the products. It should catch any audience's eye, from children looking for exciting toys, parents looking for authentic presents or experienced and serious collectors.

5 - Brief introductory text
This small paragraph will welcome the user to the website. It will be aimed towards an audience of adults, since these are the people who are most likely to scrool further down the page and pay attention to the text as well as the eye-catching pictures.

About Page

1 - Page Title
This will be in the site's primary font, Museo. It will be red/brown to match the house style.

2 - Images
There will be some pictures to break up the page. These pictures will need to reflect the lifestyle and ideals of the company.

3 - Main text
This will describe where Small Machines began, what it is today, and how it got there, in a few paragraphs. It will also include information about the Royal Armouries range.

Products Page

1 - Page title
Again, the title will be in the Museo font and will be red or brown to fit the house style.

2 - Product images
Each image of the products will be vibrant and eye-catching. They need to attract the attention of any audience, children and adults alike.

3 - Product name and price
The product names and prices will again be in the site's main font, Museo. They will be a dark colour, like dark brown, or black

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