Wednesday 20 January 2016

LO1 - Analysis of Amazon

a) Purpose

Amazon’s purpose is online shopping. There are many different categories, from toys to groceries to kitchen appliances. There are over 130 million items for sale on There is a search bar with optional search by category which helps the user to find the item they’re looking for. There are different Amazon websites for different countries – Amazon U.S.A sells over 232 million items, with 5 million items in the clothing department alone. 

The target audience for Amazon is probably adults who are interested in online shopping. I feel like it’s promoted more towards women as stereotypically, women are the people who most enjoy shopping for items like clothing or jewellery. The demographic category for Amazon users would be in the ABC1 demographic, as these are the people most likely to be able to access the Internet and be able to access the money to purchase items online.

b) Visitor Needs

Amazon allows the user to choose a certain category if they want to, to be more specific with search results or if they want to view a specific category. The site also has a basket feature which, if the user is logged in, saves any items they have put in there to buy.

c) Information Flow/User Experience

The user is able to choose a category from a drop-down list to make their search more specific. The user can then type key words into a search bar to search for the item they are looking for. There are thumbnails of products that the user can either roll over to zoom in on or click on to open a larger version of the image. The site also uses thumbnails to hyperlink to certain products.
There is an animated banner on the home page that moves from slide to slide advertising different products. There is also an option to log in which allows the user to save the items they want to buy in a “basket”.

d) Features

Amazon features a large search bar at the top of each page. The orange magnifying glass connotes the use of the search bar, as magnifying glasses are classically used to search for something. There is also a drop-down menu at the left side of the search bar, which allows the user to search for an item by category as well as key words typed in the search bar itself, which makes the search more specific.

There is also an animated feature denoted which causes a shadowed “box” to appear when the user rolls over an item with the mouse. This makes the result stand out and become more apparent to the user.

The house style of the website is most evidently white and blue, with a clear, plain white background to make the website appear more simplistic. All of the main text on the website is a simple sans serif font, which makes the website easier to navigate.

e) Benefits

The most obvious benefit for the user is that they don't have to leave the house to be able to buy products. This can be most helpful for users with mobility issues or physical disability that might make it difficult for them to get around.
A benefit for the seller is the fact that they are advertising to a wider audience online than they would be if they only sold their products in actual shops. Another benefit for the seller is that they can include a description that might persuade a customer to buy the product. This is not an opportunity a seller would often get if they only sold products in ordinary shops.

f) Content

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