Sunday 24 January 2016

LO1 - Analysis of Dreamworks Studios website

a) purpose

The purpose of the Dreamworks website is to advertise their company. The site effectively advertises their films by featuring graphics of films, and including a list of future releases. There is navigation for the user to be able to find what sort of aspect of the company they are looking for, and a good-looking website will give the impression of a professional company.

The target audience for the Dreamworks Studios website would most likely be users who are interested in the studio’s new film releases. This sort of person would most likely be in the ABC1 demographic category, as these are the sort of people who would be interested in, and stereotypically be able to afford, a trip to the cinema.

b) visitor needs

The user can look at any of the latest news and information about the studios with the moving banner on the home page. The user can also view any of the latest film releases or films to be released.

c) information flow/user experience

There is an animated banner on the home page of the website that allows the user to see any recent news or information about upcoming films. There are trailers of some films on video players with pause and play buttons that the user can pause and play at their own leisure. There are also thumbnails which the user can click on and they will hyperlink to another page related to the photograph.

d) features

There is an animated banner that makes up the majority of the main page on the Dreamworks website. This jumps out at the user, and contains all sorts of different news stories for the user to look at if they want to. The website uses a formal-looking serif font, which matches the font of the logo. The house style of greys and blues is also very formal, giving the website a very professional, formal feel.

Boxes are used on the website to distinguish news stories from one another. Varying amounts of white space give the website a connotation of organization and tidiness.

e) benefits

The most important benefit of the website for the company is that they can allow a larger audience to access information about their products. This will make the company itself more successful as more people are being able to see news and information about upcoming films.
In turn, this could also be considered a benefit for the user, as they are able to find more information about the company very easily. If a user is searching for a film to watch, the website could be very useful.

f) content

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